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Lace up your sneakers and join us Saturday, October 26th for Cummins Memorial Theological Seminary Inaugural 5K Run/Walk.   This is an event for the entire family and we would love for you to join us in this community activity. 


To sign up for this event, sponsor or volunteer contact our walk committee members listed below for additional information:

If you're unable to attend, but would like to support by donating, click the link below to submit your donation.

Germany Mission Trip

Posted July 2024


Two members - Deaconess Candidate Alyce Wilson (pictured on the right) and Youth Worker Lynette Francis – flew from Charlotte to Frankfurt airport arriving today (Wed., 7/17). They served as staff on the English Camp held every summer at the Knuell Retreat & Conference Center. Bishop Gerhard Meyer picked them up at the airport to take them to the Knuell , about 80 miles (128 km) away. On the way, they stopped in Wartburg for lunch, where they had real German frankfurters (hot dogs). 


For more info about the ministry of the Knuell Center visit In the upper right a box will drop down saying “Google Translate” Click on “English” and it will change the site from German to English. 

Make sure to join our CMTS Alumni Association Page on Facebook to stay in the know about upcoming events. 

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Pictured is the 100th S.S. Convention Awards & Fellowship Banquet – July 2019

105th S.S. Convention & Banquet 

August 3, 2024

The 105th S.S. CONVENTION was held this Saturday, August 3rd, at the Bishop Jerdan Conference Center. There was a BIBLE DRILL also known as a SWORD DRILL  (see Ephesians 6:17 – “ . . . the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”)

The Drill Leader called out a Bible address – “Find Exodus 20:13” The participants rapidly looked it up in their Bibles.  The first one to find the scripture stood up and read the Bible verse – “ Honor your father and mother . . . .” and wins a point for their team.

There were Sword (Bible) Drills for SIX age groups (depending upon how many are present) – Beginners (ages 5-7), Primary (ages 8-10), Middle Schoolers (ages 11-13), High Schoolers (ages 14-18), Adults (over age 18), and Seniors (over age 55).

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